Exaltation of Christ (Philippians 2:6-11)

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This passage is considered to be a fragment of an early Christian hymn. Such hymns existed in order to honor and praise God.

There is, of course, a pastoral frame around the hymn. The function of the hymn here is to persuade and motivate Philippian Christians to imitate Christ in his humbleness and obedience (Phil 2:5; 2:12-15). The impetus of this hymn is to reach recognition from God as Christ did (Phil 2:9). However, we would like to consider the hymn in its own right.

We can divide the hymn into two parts: humiliation (Phil 2:6-8) and exaltation (Phil 2:9-11). The first part (humiliation) shows the true and original identity of Christ. Despite his identity and status, Christ leaves everything behind in order to reach humanity. What is stressed here is especially obedience which resulted in his death on the cross (Phil 2:8). This marks Christ’s way of downward, which is done on his own part without any foreign agency.

Now there is the second part (exaltation) introduced by the word “therefore” (gr. διὸ). What Jesus did is not left without response. God takes the initiative and exalts Christ into the position of Lord. This recognition is done “in order” (gr.  ἵνα) that everyone will acknowledge Christ's identity (this is similar to Rev 5:12-14). This marks Christ’s way of upward, which is, in this case, done on the account of God’s agency.

The climax of the hymn is a revelation of the title “Lord” (gr. κύριος) (Phil 2:11), which is, simply put, New Testament equivalent of Old Testament Jehovah (he. יְהוָה).

This hymn leads us to realize what God is (remember John 14:8-10). It is someone who suffers and does everything possible for the benefit of those whom he loves despite his own comfort.


Word Meaning
καί a, i
ὁ, ἡ, τό ten, ta, to
θεός, οῦ, ὁ Bůh
ἐν v, ve (s D)
ὄνομα, τος, τό jméno
πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν vše
μορφή, ῆς, ἡ podoba, tvar
ἑαυτοῦ, ῆς, οῦ se, sebe; si, sobě
ἄνθρωπος, ου, ὁ člověk
γίνομαι dít se, stát se
θάνατος, ου, ὁ smrt
αὐτός, ή, ὁ on, on sám
Ἰησοῦς, οῦ, ὁ Ježíš, Jozue
ὅς, ἥ, ὅ který, kdo, co
ὑπάρχω být; mít, vlastnit
οὗ kde
ἁρπαγμός, οῦ, ὁ loupež
ἡγέομαι vést
εἰμί jsem; být
ἴσος, η, ον stejný
ἀλλά ale, avšak
κενόω vyprázdnit, zmařit
λαμβάνω vzít, přijmout
ὁμοίωμα, τος, τό podoba, podobnost
σχῆμα, τος, τό podoba, vzhled
εὑρίσκω najít
ὡς jak, jako
ταπεινόω snížit, pokořit
ὑπήκοος, ον poslušný
μέχρι až do, až k (s G); dokud
δέ ale, avšak, však
σταυρός, οῦ, ὁ kříž, kůl
διό proto, tedy, tudíž
ὑπερυψόω vyvýšit, povýšit
χαρίζομαι odpustit; darovat
ὑπέρ pro, za; místo; kvůli; o (s G); nad (s A)
ἵνα aby; že, takže
γόνυ, γόνατος, τό koleno
κάμπτω ohnout, sklonit
ἐπουράνιος, ον nebeský
ἐπίγειος, ον pozemský
καταχθόνιος, ον podzemní, v podsvětí
γλῶσσα, ης, ἡ jazyk
ἐξομολογέω vyznat
ὅτι že, protože, neboť
κύριος, ου, ὁ pán
Χριστός, οῦ, ὁ Pomazaný, Kristus
εἰς do, na, k; v (s A)
δόξα, ης, ἡ sláva
πατήρ, πατρός, ὁ otec