Believers Had Everything in Common (Acts 4:32-37)

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This brief comment, on the way how the believers shared their possessions, pictures the social order in the early Christian community. This order is no doubt influenced by the fervent expectation of the coming of the kingdom of God. 


Word Meaning
πλῆθος, ους, τό množství
πιστεύω věřit
καρδία, ας, ἡ srdce
ψυχή, ῆς, ἡ duše; život
λέγω říkat
ἴδιος, α, ον vlastní
ἀλλά ale, avšak
ἅπας, ασα, αν všechen, celý; všichni (dohromady)
κοινός, ή, όν společný; obyčejný, všední; nečistý