Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar (Matthew 22:15-22)

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Word Meaning
ὁ, ἡ, τό the
αὐτός, ή, ὁ he; self
καί and
λέγω say
Καῖσαρ, ος, ὁ Caesar
θεός, οῦ, ὁ God
οὐ, οὐκ, οὐχ no
τὶς, τί who, which, what
τότε then; at that time
ἐν in (with D)
σύ you, your
εἶπον I said (aor. of λέγω)
οὖν so, therefore
κῆνσος, ου, ὁ tax, poll-tax
δέ however, but
ἐγώ I