The Testimony of Jesus' Acts (Luke 1:1-4)

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The prologue to the Gospel of Luke highlights the author's aim to provide a trustworthy and orderly account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Luke, a physician and companion of the Apostle Paul, seeks to compile an accurate record based on the testimonies of those who were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word.

The passage underscores the importance of a credible and accurate account of Jesus' life and teachings to guide and instruct believers. It reinforces the idea that the Gospel is rooted in historical events and authentic testimonies, thus providing a solid foundation for the Christian faith. By emphasizing the thoroughness of his research and his reliance on eyewitness accounts, Luke aims to assure readers of the veracity of his narrative.

Luke 1:1-4 sets a precedent for the rest of the Gospel by establishing a narrative structure and presenting the account as a cohesive and orderly composition. The prologue also introduces the historiographic genre, which is evident throughout the text. This approach allows the author to organize the material in a way that emphasizes theological themes and portrays Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.

Theophilus, mentioned in the prologue of the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:3) and the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 1:1), is an enigmatic figure in the New Testament. The name "Theophilus" is derived from the Greek words θεός [theos] (God) and φίλος [philos] (friend), which together mean "friend of God" or "loved by God." There are different theories about the identity of Theophilus, such as: a specific individual, a symbolic representation, a literary device. The identity of Theophilus remains a topic of debate among biblical scholars


Word Meaning
ὁ, ἡ, τό ten, tá, to
περί o; pre, kvôli (s G); okolo; o (s A)
ἡμεῖς, ἡμῶν my
καί a, aj
λόγος, ου, ὁ slovo
ἐπειδήπερ když tedy; poněvadž (tedy)
πολύς, πολλή, πολύ mnohý, hojný
ἐπιχειρέω pokusit se, pustit se
ἀνατάσσομαι sestavit, sepsat
διήγησις, εως, ἡ vyprávění