Word Meaning Occurrences
violator profaner, violator 1
violenter violently, by force 6
violentia violence 5
violentus violent 9
violo to treat with violence, violate 34
vipera viper, serpent 12
vir man 1911
virago manlike woman, female warrior 1
viratus manly, of a manly spirit 1
virectum place overgrown with grass 1
virens green, verdant 18
viresco to become green 1
virga rod, staff 131
virginitas maidenhood, virginity 10
virgo maiden, virgin 102
virgula little twig, rod 1
virgultum bush, thicket 4
viridis green, fresh 17
viriditas greenness, verdure 1
virilis of a man, like a man 5
viriliter manfully, courageously 15
viror green color, greenness 2
virtus strength, excellence 489
vis force, strength 76
viscus inner parts, bowels 45
visibilis visible 4
visio sight, vision 124
visitatio visit, visitation 29
visitator visitor, protector 1
visito to visit, to punish 119
visum sight, vision 1
visus vision, sight 32
vita life 583
vitalis vital, living 10
vitis vine, grapevine 29
vitium fault, defect 6
vito to shun, seek to escape 4
vitreus of glass 6
vitrum glass 6
vitta band, ribbon 9
vitula young cow, heifer 10
vitulamen shoot, sprig 1
vitulus calf 152
vituperatio blame, censure 1
vitupero to censure, blame 10
vivifico to make alive 61
vivo to live, be alive 675
vivus living, alive 116
vix hardly, barely 24
vocabulum name 19
vocatio calling, summons 22
vociferatio loud calling, clamor 4
vociferor to cry out 31
voco to call, name 845
volatilis flying, winged 40
volatus flying, flight 1
volens willing, willful 3
volito to fly around, flit 2
volo to wish, will; to fly 754
volubilis spinning, rolling 1
volucer flying, winged 1
volucris bird, flying creature 60
volumen scroll, book 49
voluntarie freely, willingly 11
voluntarius willing, voluntary 13
voluntas will, wish 251
voluptas pleasure, enjoyment 28
voluptuose with delight, pleasurably 1
volutabrum wallowing-place 2
voluto to roll, turn 4
volvo to roll, revolve 8
vomer plowshare 6
vomitus vomiting, vomit 6
vomo to vomit, throw up 3
vorago abyss, gulf 5
vorax ravening, devouring 3
voro to swallow up, devour 15
vortex whirl, whirlpool 1
votum promise, vow 65
voveo to vow, promise solemnly 49