Word Meaning Occurrences
adorno to provide, furnish 1
adoro to worship, adore 331
adramelech Adramelech 3
adria Adria 2
adrumetinus of Hadrumetum 2
adsum to be present 64
adulatio fawning, flattery 3
adullam Adullam 1
adulter adulterous, unchaste; adulterous 24
adultera adulteress 8
adulterium adultery 21
adultero to commit adultery 18
aduno to make one, unite 6
aduram Aduram 5
aduro to set on fire, kindle 2
adustio kindling, burning 2
adveho to bring hither, carry to 1
advena foreigner, stranger 94
advenio to come to, arrive 45
adventus coming, arrival 77
adversarius hostile, adversary 71
adversor to be against, oppose 21
adversum against, toward 242
adversus against, toward; contrary, unfavorable 282
advesperascit to draw toward evening 3
advivo to live with 1
advocatus adviser, pleader 2
advoco to call, summon 10
advolvo to roll to, roll towards 4
adytum innermost part of a temple, sanctuary 1
aedes dwelling, temple 35
aedicula small dwelling, small temple 2
aedificatio building, edifying 41
aedificator builder 1
aedificium building, structure 18
aedifico to build, edify 495
aedituus custodian of a temple, minister 3
aeger sick, diseased 6
aegrotatio sickness, disease 3
aegroto to be ill, sick 23
aegrotus sick, diseased 2
aegyptiacus Egyptian 2
aegyptius Egyptian 115
aegyptus Egypt 649
aelam Aelam 24
aelamites Elamite 3
aelath Aelath 1
aemulatio rivalry, jealousy 25
aemulator zealous imitator, jealous rival 18
aemulor to rival, vie with 38
aemulus envious, jealous 3
aen Aen 2
aeneas Aeneas 4
aeneus of copper or bronze 49
aengannim Aengannim 1
aenigma riddle, enigma 10
aennon Aennon 2
aequalis equal 22
aequalitas equality, similarity 6
aequaliter equally 3
aeque equally, in like manner 8
aequitas equality, justice 40
aequo to make equal, equalize 3
aequus even, equal 35
aer air, lower atmosphere 27
aeramentum bronze vessel, bronze instrument 5
aerarium treasury 11
aerarius of copper, of bronze 5
aereus made of copper or bronze 50
aerius belonging to air, sky-colored 2
aerugino to rust 3
aerugo rust 11
aerumna toil, hardship 8
aes base metal, bronze 71
aestas summer 16
aestimatio assessment, estimation 10
aestimo to appraise, estimate 67
aestivus belonging to summer 4
aestuo to be agitated, to boil 9
aestus heat 26