Word Meaning Occurrences
abnego to deny, refuse 10
abner Abner 59
abnuo to refuse by a sign, reject 2
abobus Abobus 2
aboleo to destroy, abolish 4
abominabilis abominable, abhorrent 19
abominandus abominable 1
abominatio abomination, loathing 107
abominor to loathe, detest 26
abortio to miscarry 1
abortivus born prematurely 6
abra maid-servant 5
abraham Abraham 294
abram Abram 49
abran Abran 1
abrumpo to break off 2
abruptus steep, precipitous 1
absalom Absalom 104
abscedo to give way, yield 2
abscessus departure 1
abscido to cut off, sever 17
abscindo to break off, tear away 16
abscondite secretly 4
absconditus hidden, secret 69
abscondo to hide, conceal 225
absconse secretly 1
absconsio hiding 1
absens absent 17
absentia absence 2
absinthium wormwood 11
absolom Absolom 1
absolvo to release, set free 5
absorbeo to swallow down, devour 24
absque without, except 209
abstergo to wipe away, dry off 6
abstinens temperate, abstinent 1
abstinentia abstinence, temperance 5
abstineo to abstain, refrain from 22
abstraho to pull away, detach 10
abstrudo to thrust away, hide 1
absum to be away, be absent 60
absumo to take away, consume 3
abundans plentiful, overflowing 20
abundanter abundantly 37
abundantia abundance, plenty 45
abunde abundantly 4
abundo to abound, overflow 111
abusio abuse, misuse 1
abutor to use up, to abuse 15
abyssus abyss, pit 62
acan Acan 1
accaiv Accaiv 1
accaron Accaron 22
accaronites Accaronite 2
accedo to go to, approach 312
accelero to hasten, accelerate 10
accendo to kindle, set on fire 44
accensibilis that may be burnt, burning 2
acceptabilis acceptable, pleasing 13
acceptio taking, receiving 16
accepto to receive, accept 1
acceptor receiver, respecter 2
acceptum taking, receiving 4
acceptus welcome, pleasing 23
accerso to send for, summon 33
acces Acces 3
accessus entrance, approach 7
accho Accho 1
accido to happen, befall 69
accingo to gird on, provide with 59
accio to call, summon 4
accipio to take, receive 903
accipiter hawk 4
acclamo to cry out, exclaim 7
accola inhabitant, neighbor 5
accommodo to fit, adapt 3
accos Accos 3
accresco to grow, increase 2
accub Accub 8
accubitus reclining, seat 4