Word Meaning Occurrences
פְּשַׁר interpretation 31
simplex simple, single 31
victoria victory 31
compello to drive together, to compel 31
vigilia wakefulness, watch 31
septies seven times 31
doctor teacher, instructor 31
mercenarius hired, hired man 31
abiathar Abiathar 31
alteruter one of two, one another 31
repente suddenly 31
flagellum whip, scourge 31
calumnia calumny, false accusation 31
deinceps afterwards, thereafter 31
extollo to lift up, to extol 31
epulor to feast 31
quaestio questioning, inquiry 31
formido to fear; fear 31
humanus of man, human 31
contestor to call to witness, to bear witness 31