Word Meaning Occurrences
hymnus song of praise, hymn 30
prout as, just as 30
concido to cut up, cut in pieces; to fall down, collapse 30
sicco to make dry, dry up 30
dimidium half 30
candidus shining white, bright 30
disputo to discuss, dispute 30
decido to fall down, fall away 30
tremor trembling, shaking 30
malignus evil, malicious 30
oblivio forgetting, forgetfulness 30
lazarus Lazarus 30
minuo to make smaller, reduce 30
provideo to foresee, to give attention to 30
augeo to increase, enlarge 30
presbyter elder, presbyter 30
fortiter strongly, vigorously 30
lysias Lysias 30
divisio division, distribution 30
laetifico to make glad 30