New Testament

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The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1-3)

This passage is the opening of the Gospel of Mark, and it introduces the narrative about John the Baptist that follows. Even though it is short, it offers significant theological themes. The first is Jesus' identity. Mark identifies Jesus as the Christ (the Messiah) and the Son of God, unveiling...


Preaching and Baptism of John the Baptist (Mark 1:4-8)

John the Baptist is described as a prophet who prepares the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. His depiction as ascetic and excentric person is a reminisence of a prophetic archetype of Eliah. John preaches a baptism of repentance and forgiveness, calling people to confess their sins and turn...


Baptism and Testing of Jesus (Mark 1:9-13)

Mark 1:9-13 describes the baptism and temptation of Jesus. The Gospel of Mark binds these two events causally close. The story in this passage highlights Jesus' identity as the Son of God and his ability to resist the temptation of Satan. The role of the Holy Spirit, which descends on Jesus upon...


The First Disciples of Jesus (Mark 1:14-20)

Jesus begins his ministry by proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God which is based on repentance and faith. The story, at this point, focuses on Jesus calling his first disciples, Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, and John, to follow him and become "fishers of men."
