Word Meaning Occurrences
viculus village 30
vicus street, quarter of a city 39
videlicet evidently, namely 32
videns seer, prophet 21
video to see 2714
vidua widow 116
viduitas bereavement, widowhood 7
viduo to deprive, bereave 1
viduus widowed, bereaved 7
vigeo to be lively, be vigorous 2
vigesimus twentieth 69
vigil sentinel, sentry 4
vigilia wakefulness, watch 31
vigilo to keep watch, be wakeful 86
viginti twenty 302
vilis of trifling value, base 8
villa farm, farm country 62
villicatio management of an estate, stewardship 6
villico to act as steward 2
villicus steward 6
villula small farmstead, village 3
vinacium grape skin 1
vinarius of wine 3
vincio to bind 55
vinco to conquer, defeat 87
vinctus bound, fettered 42
vinculum bond, chain 83
vindemia grape harvest, vintage 17
vindemiator grape harvester 4
vindemio to harvest grapes 16
vindex defender, avenger 6
vindico to lay claim to, to avenge 34
vindicta vengeance, punishment 51
vinea vineyard 185
vinetum vineyard 1
vinitor vinedresser 6
vinolentia intoxication 2
vinolentus full of wine 4
vinum wine 273
vio to go, travel 1