Word Meaning Occurrences
exhilaro to gladden, cheer 3
exhibeo to present, show 34
exhaurio to empty, exhaust 5
exhalo to breathe out, exhale 1
exfornicatus given to fornication 2
exerro to wander away, to deviate 2
exercitus army 645
exercito to exercise diligently 9
exercitium training, exercise 1
exercitatio exercise, practice 3
exerceo to keep busy with, to exercise 32
exequor to follow up, carry out 3
exequiae funeral procession, burial service 4
exeo to go out 493
exentero to disembowel 1
exemplum example, model 48
exemplar pattern, model 18
exedra chamber, hall 6
executio performance, carrying out 1
execror to curse 5