Word Meaning Occurrences
pastoralis of shepherds, pastoral 1
molathites Molathite 1
sponsalia betrothal, betrothal gift 1
apparitor servant, public servant 1
ezel Ezel 1
cujusmodi of what kind 1
laicus belonging to the laity, not consecrated 1
haret Haret 1
opacus shaded, shady 1
abstrudo to thrust away, hide 1
jesimon Jesimon 1
abruptus steep, precipitous 1
pervius passable, accessible 1
vio to go, travel 1
silenter silently 1
malitiosus wicked 1
roto to turn around, whirl 1
scrupulus small sharp stone, uneasiness 1
maoch Maoch 1
gerzi Gerzi 1