Word Meaning Occurrences
confero to bring together, to contribute 34
revelatio uncovering, revelation 34
retributio repayment, retribution 34
effero to bring out; to make fierce 34
vindico to lay claim to, to avenge 34
propitius favorable, gracious 34
repono to put back, replace 34
retrorsum back, backwards 34
medus Median, Mede 34
maxime most of all, especially 34
bonitas goodness 34
scutum shield 34
certamen struggle, fight 34
delinquo to fail, do wrong 34
haeredito to inherit 34
silva forest, wood 34
scilicet namely, obviously 34
pulchritudo beauty 34
cerno to perceive, discern 34
hiram Hiram 34