Word Meaning Occurrences
fictio pretence, insincerity 3
fictilis made of clay, earthen 21
ficetum fig orchard 2
ficarius pertaining to figs 1
fibula buckle, clasp 5
festus solemn, festive 88
festum festival, feast 5
festuca stalk, straw 12
festivitas festivity, festival 16
festinus in haste, hurrying 14
festino to hurry, hasten 88
festinato quickly, hastily 7
festinatio haste, hurry 10
festinanter hastily, quickly; hastily, quickly 5
fessus wearied, tired 1
fervor boiling heat, vehemence 6
fervesco to boil 1
ferveo to be boiling hot, to glow 11
ferus wild, untamed 7
fertilitas fruitfulness, fertility 3