Word Meaning Occurrences
violator profaner, violator 1
violenter violently, by force 6
violentia violence 5
violentus violent 9
violo to treat with violence, violate 34
vipera viper, serpent 12
vir man 1911
virago manlike woman, female warrior 1
viratus manly, of a manly spirit 1
virectum place overgrown with grass 1
virens green, verdant 18
viresco to become green 1
virga rod, staff 131
virginitas maidenhood, virginity 10
virgo maiden, virgin 102
virgula little twig, rod 1
virgultum bush, thicket 4
viridis green, fresh 17
viriditas greenness, verdure 1
virilis of a man, like a man 5