Word Meaning Occurrences
flacceo to be flabby, to droop 1
fixura fastening, imprint 2
fistula tube, pipe 7
fiscus woven basket, purse 1
fiscella small woven basket 2
firmus firm, strong 50
firmo to fix, secure 47
firmiter steadfastly, immovably 1
firmitas firmness, strength 5
firme firmly, steadily 1
firmamentum support, firmament 42
fio to be made, be done 706
finitio limit, boundary 1
finitimus adjoining, neighboring 3
finis end, limit 395
finio to limit, to finish 27
fingo to make, fashion 25
findo to split, separate 2
fimus dung, muck 7
fimbria fringe, edge 14