Word Meaning Occurrences
floreo to blossom, flower 20
florens blooming, flowering 1
flo to blow 22
flexura bending, turning 2
fletus weeping 52
fleo to weep 149
flecto to bend, bow 28
flebilis to be wept over, lamentable 1
flavus golden yellow, reddish yellow 2
flavesco to become golden yellow 1
flatus blowing, breath 10
flammo to kindle, inflame 1
flammeus flaming, fiery 1
flamma flame 71
flagrum whip, scourge 1
flagro to flame, blaze 1
flagitium shameful act, crime 3
flagitiosus shameful, disgraceful 1
flagellum whip, scourge 31
flagello to whip, scourge 34