Word Meaning Occurrences
foenerator money-lender 5
foedus covenant, compact; foul, loathsome 213
foedo to defile, to dishonor 1
foeditas foulness, filthiness 3
foedero to establish by treaty 3
foederatus allied 4
foede foully, cruelly 1
fodio to dig, to pierce 50
focus fire-place, hearth 4
focaria kitchen maid, cook 1
fluxus flow, flux 20
fluvius river 81
fluo to flow 51
flumen stream, river 163
fluentum running water, stream 7
fluctus wave 40
fluctuo to fluctuate, waver 5
fluctuatio wavering, vacillation 2
flos flower 31
floridus in bloom, flowering 2