Word Meaning Occurrences
הֵנָּה they 278
decem ten 278
hodie today 279
קרב come near, approach 280
tamquam as if, as much as 280
nosco to come to know 281
lingua tongue, language 281
ⲉϣϫⲉ if, then, indeed 281
adversus against, toward; contrary, unfavorable 282
impius irreverent, wicked 282
ܗܟܢܐ thus 282
חיה live, revive 283
חֹדֶשׁ month, new moon 283
איב be an enemy 283
possideo to own, possess 283
libero to set free 283
בְּרִית agreement, covenant 284
iterum again 284
nonne interrogative particle 284
porro then, further 284
johannes John 285
tertius third, tertius 285
castrum fort, camp 285
עֹלָה, עוֺלָה burnt-offering 286
עבד serve, work 288
כרת cut, cut off 288
פְּלִשְׁתִּי Philistine 288
porto to carry, bear 288
salomon Solomon 289
חזק make strong, seize, take hold 290
ⲣⲱⲙⲉ man (m.) 290
הֵמָּה they 291
generatio generation 291
דִּי what 292
שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon 293
desertum desert 293
vestimentum clothing, garment 293
חַטָּאת sin 294
abraham Abraham 294
interrogo to ask, question 294
ܡܢܐ why, what 294
educo to lead forth, bring out; to bring up, train 295
ܐܚܪܢܐ another 295
λαλέω sound; talk 296
עֵת time, period, point in time 296
regio region, area 296
ⲗⲁⲁⲩ anyone, anything 296
סור turn; remove 297
ϩⲓ on, upon 297
לֶחֶם bread 298
fructus enjoyment, fruit 298
ager field, productive land 298
מְאֹד very 300
ostendo to show, display 301
ⲉⲣⲟⲟⲩ to them 301
quatuor four 302
viginti twenty 302
מִשְׁפָּחָה clan 303
פקד visit; take care of, miss 303
signum mark, sign 305
ܗܝܡܢ believe, trust 305
ϣⲁϫⲉ word (m.); to speak, talk 306
pereo to pass away, perish 307
vas vessel, implement; vessel, dish 307
ܐܝܟܢܐ as, how 308
ϫⲓ to take, receive 309
ܫܡܝܐ heaven, sky 309
ira anger; Ira 310
accedo to go to, approach 312
ܒܥܐ seek for 313
ܐܘ or, else 313
רָעָה evil 314
עֶשְׂרִים twenty 315
נָבִיא prophet 315
ϩⲉ manner, way (f.); to fall 315
ירא fear, be afraid 316
ענה answer; humble, oppress; violate, rape; worried about; sing, howl 316
petrus Peter 316
mandatum command 316
operor to work, do 316