Word Meaning Occurrences
ῥῆμα, τος, τό word, saying 68
σάββατον, ου, τό sabbath; week 68
שׁקה give drink, water 68
כִּכָּר talent (weight), plain; loaf; disk 68
עֲשָׂרָה ten (feminine) 68
אַרְבָּעָה four (feminine) 68
pluvia rain 68
messis reaping, harvest 68
innocens harmless, innocent 68
ala wing 68
nudus naked, bare 68
dono to give, bestow 68
dilectio love 68
sanctificatio sanctification, holiness 68
insipiens unwise, foolish 68
adjutor helper 68
ⲛⲙⲙⲏⲧⲛ with you (p) 68
ܠܠܝܐ night 68
ܗܢܘ nan 68
ܕܟܐ pure, cleanse 68
ܢܘܗܪܐ light 68
ܪܚܡܐ bowels 68
ܚܘܪ look, behold 68
τρεῖς, τρία three 69
עֵמֶק valley; the lowland 69
דָּן Dan 69
נבט look, regard 69
משׁח smear, anoint 69
עֵד witness, testimony, proof 69
אַלּוּף chief; close friend; cattle, pet 69
קָדִים east; east wind 69
camelus camel 69
odium hatred, aversion 69
absconditus hidden, secret 69
metior to measure 69
falsus false, lying 69
ruina fall, ruin 69
vetus old, aged 69
tyrus Tyre 69
prosum to be useful, benefit 69
intueor to look upon, observe 69
audeo to dare, be bold 69
laqueus noose, snare 69
accido to happen, befall 69
concipio to receive, conceive 69
afflictio pain, torment 69
provincia province 69
angustia narrowness, difficulty 69
manasse Manasses, Manasseh 69
vigesimus twentieth 69
dan Dan 69
ϩⲓⲏ road, way, path (f.) 69
ϩⲉⲛⲕⲟⲟⲩⲉ some others 69
ܝܥܩܘܒ Jacob 69
ܩܠܝܠܐ little 69
ܕܘܟܬܐ place 69
αἰτέω to ask for 70
αἰώνιος, ον eternal 70
Ἰσραήλ, ὁ Israel 70
τηρέω keep, guard 70
חֵן favour, grace, charm 70
לין spend the night, pass the night 70
גָּד Gad 70
בּוֹר pit, cistern 70
אסר bind, tie, imprison 70
זָר other, strange 70
כְּסִיל insolent, stupid; Orion; Chesil 70
הֲוָה to be, happen 70
כְּ‍ like, as 70
לָא not, no 70
mel honey 70
dexter right, on the right side 70
praebeo to offer, present 70
benefacio to do good, benefit 70
intellectus understanding, thought 70
adhaereo to cling, stick to 70
signo to mark, seal 70
militia warfare, soldiery 70
detraho to pull down, to disparage 70
hebron Hebron 70