Word Meaning Occurrences
Γαλιλαία, ας, ἡ Galilee 61
δοξάζω praise; glorify 61
ἤδη now 61
κηρύσσω proclaim; announce 61
νύξ, νυκτός, ἡ night 61
ὧδε here 61
שׂכל understand 61
אַבְרָם Abram 61
אֵיךְ how? in what manner? 61
אֵצֶל beside 61
אַחֲרִית end, result; last; future 61
אֶבְיוֹן poor 61
גְּבוּרָה strength 61
דּוֹד beloved, lover; uncle 61
עֲרָבָה desert-plain, steppe; poplar 61
בִּלְעָם Balaam 61
diligenter carefully, diligently 61
triticum wheat 61
sitio to thirst 61
caelestis heavenly 61
foenum grass, hay 61
ambo both 61
desolo to forsake, to waste 61
immunditia uncleanness, impurity 61
proprius one's own 61
pascha Pasch, Passover 61
azymus unleavened 61
sanus sound, whole 61
deinde from there, then 61
pertineo to pertain to, concern 61
vanus empty, vain 61
potentia might, power 61
sperno to despise, reject 61
vivifico to make alive 61
iracundia anger, wrath 61
draco serpent, dragon 61
caeremonia rite, ceremony 61
philisthinus Philistine 61
philisthaeus Philistine 61
ⲥⲟⲡⲥ to ask, beg, pray 61
ܣܓܕ homage, worship 61
ܡܚܕܐ at once, immediately 61
ܠܡܐ why 61
δοκέω think, seem 62
εἶπον I said (aor. of λέγω) 62
θέλημα, τος, τό what is willed 62
θρόνος, ου, ὁ chair, throne 62
Ἱεροσόλυμα, ων, τά Jerusalem 62
קָנֶה stalk; reed; rod 62
חַג feast, festival 62
נצר keep watch, guard, protect 62
כשׁל stumble, stagger 62
דרך tread 62
שִׁבְעָה seven (feminine) 62
somnus sleep, dream 62
redeo to go back, return 62
candelabrum candlestick, lampstand 62
juramentum oath, vow 62
cras tomorrow 62
serpens snake, serpent 62
utique surely, certainly 62
crux cross 62
plango to lament, bewail 62
alligo to bind 62
ramus branch, bough 62
consummatio end, completion 62
villa farm, farm country 62
quotidie daily, day by day 62
appono to place near, to add 62
creatura creature, creation 62
vicis turn, alternation 62
sacerdotium priesthood 62
campester level, flat 62
abyssus abyss, pit 62
insula island 62
utor to use 62
hujuscemodi of this kind, such 62
simila wheat flour 62
campus field, plain 62
occursus meeting, approach 62