Word Meaning Occurrences
ⲇⲁⲩⲉⲓⲇ David 56
ܠܘܩܕܡ before 56
ܡܐܢܐ vessel; garment 56
ܒܛܠ idle, cease 56
ܡܗܝܡܢܐ eunuch 56
ܡܟܝܠ henceforth, therefore 56
τοιοῦτος, αύτη, οῦτο(ν) of such a kind 57
אַתְּ you 57
רחק be far away, removed 57
פָּרָשׁ horseman, rider; horse 57
תְּהִלָּה praise 57
פעל make, do 57
אֶדֶן pedestal, base 57
יְרִיחוֹ Jericho 57
אֱלוֹהַּ God; god, deity 57
מִזְמוֹר psalm 57
אֶדַיִן then 57
מַלְכוּ kingdom 57
josias Josias, Josiah 57
sadoc Sadoc 57
mentior to lie, deceive 57
concilium assembly, council 57
hinc from here, hence 57
plenitudo fullness 57
digitus finger, toe 57
peregrinus foreign, stranger 57
contamino to contaminate, taint by mingling 57
interior inner, interior 57
luctus mourning, grief 57
purus clean, pure 57
phiala bowl, vessel 57
subter below, under 57
edom Edom 57
turma troop, crowd 57
dimidius half 57
ϣⲟⲙⲛⲧ three 57
ⲟⲩⲱⲛ to open 57
ⲛⲧⲡⲉ above, over, up 57
ⲛⲙⲙⲁⲓ with me 57
ϫⲡⲟ birth (m.); to give birth to, to father 57
ܡܪܝܡ Mary 57
ܥܡܪ dwell 57
ܐܡܬܝ when? 57
ܐܣܝܪܐ bound; prisoner 57
ܦܢܐ return 57
ܥܘܠܐ unjust, unrighteous 57
ܐܠܘ if 57
ܦܪܫ separate, appoint 57
θεωρέω perceive, observe 58
μέσος, η, ον middle 58
φημί say; mean 58
נטע plant 58
רֵיחַ scent, odour 58
חדל end, cease, leave off; become fat, have success 58
אֹרַח path, way 58
בְּלִי without; decay; cessation, ending 58
פדה ransom, redeem 58
שׁדד devastate 58
אָסָא Asa 58
יֵהוּא Jehu 58
אֱלִישָׁע Elisha 58
אִיּוֹב Job 58
continuo immediately 58
discumbo to lie down, recline 58
diripio to tear in pieces, to plunder 58
praesto to offer, present; at hand, present 58
cura care, anxiety 58
caesar Caesar 58
error going astray, error 58
luna moon 58
exclamo to cry out, exclaim 58
adam Adam 58
puteus well, pit 58
retribuo to give back, to render 58
infirmo to weaken 58
barnabas Barnabas 58
praepositus chief, commander 58
gradus step, degree 58
eloquium word, utterance 58
cadaver dead body, corpse 58