Word Meaning Occurrences
λοιπός, ή, όν left; other 55
πείθω persuade, convince 55
Πιλᾶτος, ου, ὁ Pilate 55
צעק cry 55
יבשׁ be dry, dried up 55
יצק pour, cast 55
גֶּפֶן climbing plant, vine 55
עָמָל trouble, toil; Amal 55
מִדָּה measure, measurement; tax 55
יַעַר thicket, wood, forest; honeycomb 55
אֶסְתֵּר Esther 55
consentio to agree, unite 55
albus white 55
permitto to permit, allow 55
potus drink 55
extinguo to quench, extinguish 55
secus near, by 55
emitto to send, cast forth 55
infans infant, child 55
nutrio to nurse, nourish 55
noe Noe, Noah 55
unguentum ointment 55
testificor to bear witness 55
vincio to bind 55
quispiam anyone, anything 55
octavus eighth 55
illumino to light up 55
simeon Simeon 55
ultio vengeance, revenge 55
zelus zeal, envy 55
ara altar; Ara 55
impietas irreverence, ungodliness 55
maledictio cursing, curse 55
praesum to be before, be over 55
celebro to celebrate, solemnize 55
pellis skin, hide 55
basan Basan 55
jojada Jojada 55
jehu Jehu 55
mardochaeus Mardochai 55
ϣⲉ hundred 55
ܣܥܪ effect 55
δέχομαι receive; take, accept 56
ἐπερωτάω ask; ask for 56
μηδέ and not 56
πλείων, πλεῖον more (comp. of πολύς) 56
συναγωγή, ῆς, ἡ synagogue 56
τρίτος, η, ον third 56
זרע to sow 56
רְבִיעִי fourth (masculine) 56
טֶרֶם before 56
עֶשֶׂר ten (masculine) 56
מַחֲשָׁבָה thought, idea, device 56
חלק smooth; divide; destroy 56
אָמָה female slave, maidservant 56
רָצוֹן favor, pleasure, will 56
שֵׁן tooth, pron; ivory 56
חָזָק strong, firm, hard 56
שְׁמָמָה wasteland, desolation 56
גַּיְא valley 56
צִדְקִיָּהוּ Zedekiah 56
bethlehem Bethlehem 56
columba dove 56
conculco to trample, to abuse 56
sollicitus anxious, careful 56
tectum covering, roof 56
caveo to beware, to avoid 56
suavis sweet, pleasant 56
profundus deep, depth 56
contineo to hold together, contain 56
soleo to be accustomed 56
justificatio justification, righteousness 56
magnitudo greatness, abundance 56
sonitus sound 56
fumus smoke, steam 56
hebraeus Hebrew 56
habitatio dwelling 56
frons forehead, brow; branch, leafy bough 56
ⲟⲩϫⲁⲓ to be whole, be safe 56
ⲛϩⲏⲧⲥ in her 56