Word Meaning Occurrences
securis axe 16
exinde from there, after that 16
lucidus bright, full of light 16
pannus piece of cloth, rag 16
bethsaida Bethsaida 16
levis light 16
linum flax, linen 16
zizania cockle, tares 16
granum grain, seed 16
obumbro to overshadow, shade 16
quoadusque until 16
areo to be dry, be parched 16
aestas summer 16
injicio to throw upon, set upon 16
legio legion 16
praetorium governor's residence, palace 16
sindon fine linen, muslin 16
comprimo to press together, squeeze 16
qualiter how, in what manner 16
tantummodo only, merely 16
circumfero to bear round, carry around 16
expavesco to fear greatly, be terrified 16
elido to strike, dash out 16
victus sustenance, livelihood 16
naaman Naaman 16
detineo to hold back, detain 16
benignus kind, good 16
vindemio to harvest grapes 16
legisperitus lawyer 16
exactor overseer, taskmaster 16
promissum promise 16
cephas Cephas 16
manna manna 16
festivitas festivity, festival 16
linio to daub, plaster 16
obsequium compliance, obedience 16
diffundo to pour out, spread out 16
communicatio sharing, participation 16
monstro to show, point out 16
cornelius Cornelius 16
marcus Mark 16
unanimis of one mind, unanimous 16
suspicor to suspect, suppose 16
calor warmth, heat 16
invisibilis invisible, unseen 16
obediens obedient 16
acceptio taking, receiving 16
praevaricator prevaricator, transgressor 16
massa kneaded dough, lump; Massa 16
revoco to call back, recall 16
carbo coal, charcoal 16
fruor to enjoy 16
superaedifico to build upon 16
inflo to inflate, puff up 16
circumduco to lead around 16
castigo to chastise, correct 16
confidentia confidence, boldness 16
expolio to polish, finish 16
minoro to make smaller, diminish 16
peregrinatio travel, sojourning 16
configo to pierce through, transfix 16
elementum element, first principle 16
abscindo to break off, tear away 16
lana wool 16
moeror mourning, grief 16
ardor heat, burning 16
praeclarus very bright, splendid 16
frenum bridle, bit 16
maculo to stain, defile 16
serotinus late, late in coming 16
consisto to stand still, stay 16
sigillum seal 16
dinumero to count, enumerate 16
rana frog 16
musicus musical, musical instrument 16
cham Cham, Ham 16
comporto to bring together, collect 16
jurgium quarrel, strife 16
tertiusdecimus thirteenth 16
occumbo to fall, sink down 16