Word Meaning Occurrences
conor to try, attempt 13
narratio relating, story 13
occulto to hide, conceal 13
memoror to remember, recall 13
thare Thare 13
arphaxad Arphaxad 13
sollicite carefully, anxiously 13
obdormio to fall asleep 13
commodo to lend, grant 13
opera service, exertion 13
extraho to draw out, draw forth 13
legatio legation, embassy 13
amica female friend 13
pressura affliction, distress 13
hebraice in Hebrew 13
buccella small mouthful, morsel 13
cedron Cedron 13
ultimus farthest, uttermost 13
auctor author, originator 13
repugno to fight back, oppose 13
moloch Moloch 13
precor to ask, beg 13
stimulus goad, spur 13
quaestus gain, profit 13
stringo to draw tight, bind tight 13
zelo to be jealous, to be zealous for 13
moneo to remind, put in mind of 13
patienter patiently 13
sobrietas sobriety, temperance 13
creator creator 13
exardeo to blaze, be inflamed 13
probatio trial, approval 13
pinguedo fat, fatness 13
ignobilis unknown, obscure 13
astutia shrewdness, cunning 13
suppleo to fill up, fill out 13
pronuntio to announce, proclaim 13
acceptabilis acceptable, pleasing 13
voluntarius willing, voluntary 13
mediator mediator 13
mordeo to bite 13
praeoccupo to seize, to catch 13
corroboro to strengthen, invigorate 13
modestus moderate, modest 13
inquino to stain, pollute 13
reporto to bring back, to gain 13
obturo to stop up, close 13
seco to cut, cut up 13
recogito to think over, reconsider 13
cremo to burn, consume by fire 13
regalis kingly, royal 13
risus laugh, laughter 13
malefacio to do evil, do harm 13
sapphirus sapphire 13
ornatus adornment, splendor; decorated, ornate 13
sopor deep sleep 13
vagus roaming, wandering 13
sella sella, seat 13
tredecim thirteen 13
ammonites Ammonite 13
cedar cedar 13
venatio hunting, game 13
pulmentum sauce, condiment 13
coeo to come together, meet 13
partus giving birth, delivery 13
ana Ana 13
canistrum basket 13
lacero to tear to pieces, mangle 13
conficio to make, accomplish 13
premo to press 13
coluber snake, serpent 13
jaculum dart, javelin 13
amram Amram 13
moholi Moholi 13
computresco to rot, putrefy 13
queo to be able 13
indigena sprung from the land, native 13
dulcedo sweetness 13
recludo to shut up 13
inspicio to look at, consider 13