Word Meaning Occurrences
verbero to beat, strike 12
dubius dubious, doubtful 12
illuminatio brightness, light 12
locupleto to make rich, enrich 12
agar Agar 12
dominatio rule, dominion 12
alieno to alienate, estrange 12
maceria wall, enclosure 12
igneus fiery 12
galea helmet 12
pudicus chaste, pure 12
affigo to attach, fasten to 12
commoneo to remind, put in mind 12
nutrix nurse 12
privo to bereave, deprive 12
alimentum nourishment, food 12
penetro to enter, penetrate 12
culpa fault, error 12
caverna cave, hole 12
assiduus busied, occupied 12
magnificus great, elevated 12
affluo to flow with, abound 12
jaspis jasper 12
irrigo to water, irrigate 12
pharan Pharan 12
sur Sur 12
cubo to lie down, recline 12
vallo to fortify, to surround 12
sagittarius pertaining to arrows, archer 12
armilla bracelet, armband 12
pharetra quiver 12
exprimo to press out, squeeze 12
subjugo to bring under the yoke, subjugate 12
caulae sheepfold 12
caper goat, he-goat 12
coitus coition, sexual union 12
odiosus odious, hateful 12
sobal Sobal 12
adad Adad 12
ditio sway, rule 12
fera wild animal 12
madianites Madianite 12
guberno to steer, pilot 12
placabilis favorable, acceptable 12
instar image, likeness 12
zechri Zechri 12
abiu Abiu 12
maleficus wicked, criminal 12
agger pile, heap 12
obruo to overwhelm, overthrow 12
semis one half 12
sphaerula small ball, sphere 12
supputo to count up, reckon 12
donarium votive offering 12
egregius extraordinary, eminent 12
renunculus little kidney 12
rumino to chew over again, ruminate 12
bruchus locust 12
avolo to fly away 12
ultor punisher, avenger 12
cuneus wedge, company 12
rohob Rohob 12
contraho to draw together, draw close 12
impinguo to fatten 12
perimo to take away entirely, destroy 12
jether Jether 12
bethsan Bethsan 12
jemini Jemini 12
malleus hammer, mallet 12
salmana Salmana 12
manue Manue 12
abinadab Abinadab 12
soba Soba 12
trucido to cut to pieces, butcher 12
pacifice peaceably 12
aquaeductus aqueduct 12
bethsabee Bethsabee, Bathsheba 12
berzellai Berzellai 12
alienigenus stranger, foreigner 12
giezi Giezi 12