Word Meaning Occurrences
כְּתָב writing, inscription 12
סְגִד to worship, pay homage 12
עִדָּן time 12
רְמַה to throw 12
שְׁאָר remainder, rest 12
שֻׁם name 12
rahab Rahab 12
occulte secretly 12
sciscitor to inform oneself, inquire 12
obitus death 12
vipera viper, serpent 12
mitis mild, gentle 12
libellus little book, notice 12
effodio to dig up, dig out 12
festuca stalk, straw 12
vulpes fox 12
motus movement, motion 12
timidus fearful, timid 12
onero to load, burden 12
fallacia deceit, trick 12
olus vegetable, herb 12
herodias Herodias 12
plantatio planting, transplanting 12
sporta basket 12
primo first, in the first place 12
hosanna hosanna 12
ficulnea fig tree 12
coccineus scarlet-colored 12
parasceve Parasceve, day of preparation 12
archisynagogus ruler of the synagogue 12
allido to strike against 12
complector to embrace, clasp 12
fraus fraud, deceit 12
fremo to roar, snort 12
expiro to breathe out, emit 12
salutaris beneficial, salutary 12
directus straight, direct 12
her her 12
lamech Lamech 12
seth Seth 12
langueo to languish, be faint 12
defunctus departed, dead 12
susanna Susanna 12
facultas capability, possibility 12
periclitor to test, try 12
infundo to pour in, pour upon 12
excuso to excuse, make an excuse for 12
decurro to run down, to sail under the lee of 12
affirmo to assert, affirm 12
antea before, formerly 12
subsequor to follow after, follow up 12
favus honeycomb 12
cingo to enclose, gird 12
gratus welcome, pleasing 12
sina Sina 12
dispositio arrangement, ordering 12
nex death, violent death 12
adjungo to add, join 12
convalesco to recover, regain health 12
iconium Iconium 12
conversio turning around, transformation 12
troas Troas 12
obvio to meet 12
sculptura sculpture, carving 12
corinthus Corinth 12
diu for a long time 12
alloquor to address, exhort 12
concupio to desire greatly, covet 12
conjuratio conspiracy, plot 12
nauta sailor 12
praedestino to foreordain, predestine 12
longanimitas patience, forbearance 12
incorruptio incorruptibility, innocence 12
auditor hearer 12
gloriatio boasting, vaunting 12
simulatio pretense, deceit 12
congero to bring together, collect 12
solatium comfort, solace 12
contemptibilis contemptible 12
animalis animate, living 12