Word Meaning Occurrences
inflammo to set on fire, inflame 11
illicitus forbidden, unlawful 11
illusor scoffer, mocker 11
fideliter faithfully 11
evomo to spew out, vomit forth 11
apertus open 11
absinthium wormwood 11
deauro to gild, overlay with gold 11
japheth Japheth 11
imminuo to less, diminish 11
cacumen extremity, point 11
exsicco to dry up 11
mambre Mambre 11
bala Bala 11
amalecites Amalekite 11
cinaeus Cinean, Kenite 11
mas male, masculine 11
quondam before, formerly 11
fraudulenter deceitfully, by fraud 11
vellus fleece 11
transmitto to send across, carry over 11
amplexor to embrace, clasp 11
cenez Cenez 11
intumesco to swell up 11
deprimo to press down, weigh down 11
aerarium treasury 11
crepido base, foundation 11
musca fly 11
intestina intestines, entrails 11
monimentum memorial, monument 11
concinno to prepare, cause 11
caelo to carve, engrave 11
reticulum little net, omentum 11
excubo to sleep out of doors, camp out 11
jugis continual 11
mano to flow, run 11
dibon Dibon 11
jazer Jazer 11
irriguus supplied with water 11
ariel ariel, altar for burnt offerings 11
cadesbarne Cadesbarne 11
confinium border, frontier 11
frondosus full of leaves, leafy 11
delicatus delicate, soft 11
pravitas crookedness, perversity 11
auxiliator helper 11
dabir Dabir 11
mageddo Mageddo 11
gethaeus Gethite 11
tributarius subject to tribute 11
siccitas dryness, drought 11
zebee Zebee 11
bellicus warlike, military 11
exulto to exult, leap for joy 11
machmas Machmas 11
jucundus pleasant, agreeable 11
latrunculus robber, raider 11
baana Baana 11
saraias Saraias 11
chusai Chusai 11
caementarius stone-cutter, mason 11
hanani Hanani 11
plaudo to clap, strike 11
phacee Phacee 11
rasin Rasin 11
joachin Joachin 11
melchias Melchias 11
malignor to do evil, act maliciously 11
exterminium extermination, destruction 11
dignitas worth, merit 11
testa brick, tile 11
onager wild ass 11
faux throat, jaws 11
admoveo to move to, move towards 11
gazara Gazara 11
ϩⲓⲱⲟⲩ on them 11
ϩⲏⲩ to gain, profit, benefit 11
ϣⲟⲟⲩⲉ to dry up 11
ϣⲃⲏⲣ friend (m) (m.) 11
ⲱⲥⲕ to delay, prolong 11