ἴασπις, ιδος, ἡ



iaspis, idos, he

In Revelation 21:11, jasper is depicted as a semiprecious stone, signifying fortitude and resilience. Jasper is known for its rich and diverse color palette. The primary characteristic of jasper is its intense and earthy hues. It commonly appears in shades of red, brown, yellow, green, and sometimes blue. The red variety, often the most familiar, gets its color from iron inclusions. The green jasper, on the other hand, may contain amounts of silicate or iron silicate. Other varieties can show a mixture of colors, often with striped, spotted, or flamed patterns, making each jasper stone unique in its appearance. The stone's appearance can range from opaque to near translucent, depending on its composition and the way it's been cut.Within the eschatological framework of the New Jerusalem, it epitomizes the majesty and sanctity of the Divine, serving as an emblem of theophanic radiance and omnipresence. The incorporation of jasper in this scriptural context serves as a reference for the immutable presence of the Lord and the indomitable fundament of the heavenly city of Jerusalem.