Baptism and Testing of Jesus (Mark 1:9-13)

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Mark 1:9-13 describes the baptism and temptation of Jesus. The Gospel of Mark binds these two events causally close.

The story in this passage highlights Jesus' identity as the Son of God and his ability to resist the temptation of Satan. The role of the Holy Spirit, which descends on Jesus upon baptism, is especially stressed here. He is a token of God's authorization to the service and an agent that leads Jesus into the desert.

These events mark the beginning of Jesus' public ministry and set the stage for his teachings and miracles in the rest of the Gospel of Mark.


Word Meaning
ὁ, ἡ, τό le, la, les
καί et, aussi
ἐν dans, en (avec D)
εἰς vers; dans (avec A)
αὐτός, ή, ὁ lui; soi-même
εἰμί je suis ; être
γίνομαι arriver, devenir
ἡμέρα, ας, ἡ jour
ὑπό par, de (avec G); sous (avec A)
εὐθύς at once, immediately
ἐκ, ἐξ de, hors de (avec G)
οὐρανός, οῦ, ὁ cielo
πνεῦμα, τος, τό esprit; souffle
σύ toi, ton
ἔρημος, ον désert
ἐκεῖνος, η, ο quello, quello lì
ἔρχομαι venir, aller
Ἰησοῦς, οῦ, ὁ Jésus, Josué
ἀπό de, loin de (avec G)
Γαλιλαία, ας, ἡ Galilée
βαπτίζω laver, baptiser
Ἰορδάνης, ου, ὁ le Jourdain
Ἰωάννης, ου, ὁ Jean
ἀναβαίνω monter, grimper
ὕδωρ, ὑδατος, τό eau; fleuve
εἶδον j'ai vu (aor. de ὁράω)
σχίζω déchirer
ὡς comme, tel que
περιστερά, ᾶς, ἡ colombe, pigeon
καταβαίνω descendre
φωνή, ῆς, ἡ voix
υἱός, οῦ, ὁ fils