Whoever Corrects a Mocker Invites Insults (Proverbs 9:7-10)

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Word Meaning
לְ to
וְ and
יכח reprove; argue with; found to be right, vindicate
לֵץ mocker, scorner
הוּא he
אַתָּה you (m. sg.)
חָכָם wise, skilful
יסר discipline; chastise
לקח take, grasp, seize
קָלוֹן dishonour
רָשָׁע wicked person; guilty, wicked
מאוּם blemish, defect
אַל not
פֶּן lest
שׂנא hate
אהב love
נתן to give
חכם show oneself wise, deal wisely