Word Meaning Occurrences
abjicio to throw away, cast aside 59
ablactatio weaning 1
ablacto to wean 8
abluo to wash away, cleanse 9
ablutio washing away, cleanse 1
abnego to deny, refuse 10
abner Abner 59
abnuo to refuse by a sign, reject 2
abobus Abobus 2
aboleo to destroy, abolish 4
abominabilis abominable, abhorrent 19
abominandus abominable 1
abominatio abomination, loathing 107
abominor to loathe, detest 26
abortio to miscarry 1
abortivus born prematurely 6
abra maid-servant 5
abraham Abraham 294
abram Abram 49
abran Abran 1