Greek: Basic Vocabulary (300 Most Frequent Words)

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Greek: Basic Vocabulary (300 Most Frequent Words)

The exercise contains words that occur 50 times or more in the New Testament. Mastering this vocabulary will give you an ability for basic reading of the New Testament in the Greek language.


Greek alphabet

The Greek alphabet is a significant writing system that was developed around 800 BCE and has had a profound impact on the development of Western culture, language, and literature. It is the oldest alphabet in the narrow sense of the term, as it was the first to use distinct symbols for both...


Hebrew: Basic Vocabulary (700 Most Frequent Words)

The exercise contains words that occur 50 times or more in the Old Testament. Mastering this vocabulary will give you an ability for basic reading of the Old Testament in the Hebrew language.


Hebrew alphabet

The Hebrew alphabet has 22 basic letters. It is primarily composed of consonants because vowels are the later addition to transcribe correct pronunciation.


Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)

One of the most important verses in gospel of John is John 1:18. It says: "No one has ever seen God: only begotten God who is at the bosom of the Father, He made Him fully known." (translation from Greek). This is how the gospel begins and Jesus is right when He answers Philip, that who ever...


Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)

One of the most known texts of the Bible is the Lord's prayer. This portion of the Bible is an integral part of Western society. We can hear it in movies or from people who are not Christians.  The importance is highlighted by two occurrences in the New Testament in Matthew 6:5-15 and Luke...


Latin: Basic Vocabulary (300 Most Frequent Words)

The exercise contains words that occur 300 times or more in the Bible. Mastering this vocabulary will give you an ability for basic reading of the Bible in the Latin language.


Greek: Frequency Vocabulary (49-20 Occurrences)

The exercise contains words that occur between 49 to 20 times in the New Testament. Mastering this vocabulary will increase your ability for a more fluent reading of the New Testament in the Greek language.


Aramaic: Frequency Vocabulary (20 And More Occurrences)

The exercise contains words that occur 20 times or more in the Old Testament. Mastering this vocabulary will give you an ability for basic reading of the Old Testament in the Aramaic language.
