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Surely God is good to Israel (Psalm 73)

Psalm 73 is one of the Psalms of Asaph (see 50 and 74-83). It is numbered as 73 in Masoretic numbering while in Septuagint and Vulgate the numbering it is 72. This psalm is raising a topic of prosperity of righteous and wicked people. For the author, as he observes, it seems like those who are...


I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever (Psalm 89)

The Psalm looks to the Lord as a creator. The scientific question of how creation took place goes away, and the main theme is the nature of the Lord, which reveals in creation. King David and his descendants are also a significant theme in the text. They are the object of the Lord's grace....


Praise the Lord, my soul (Psalm 104)

This psalm praises the act of creation. It is composed as a prayer to God, celebrating what he has done in his creative power.  The crucial aspect of this creation account is that the creation is habitable and liveable. It is Lord who guarantees that everything works toward prosperity and life,...


In My Distress I Cried Unto the Lord (Psalm 120)

Psalm 120 is the first of the fifteen Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134). It's a short psalm, expressing a cry for deliverance and peace in the midst of distress and falsehood. The psalm starts with the psalmist expressing his deep distress and how he turns to the Lord for deliverance. In his...


I lift up my eyes to the mountains (Psalm 121)

Psalm 121 is a song of ascents, part of a group of Psalms 120-134 traditionally sung by Jewish pilgrims as they ascended to Jerusalem for the three major festivals. This particular psalm encourages believers to trust in the Lord for protection and provision. The passage shifts the focus from human...


I was glad when they said to me: Let us go to the house of the Lord! (Psalm 122:1-9)

Psalm 122 is a part of the Songs of Ascents, which is a collection of psalms (Psalms 120-134) sung by pilgrims as they ascended to Jerusalem for the three major Jewish festivals. Psalm 122, attributed to David, expresses joy and reverence for Jerusalem as a place of worship and divine...


I Lift Up My Eyes to You (Psalm 123)

Psalm 123 is a short but profound passage within the Songs of Ascents, which were songs sung by pilgrims as they made their journey to Jerusalem for the major Jewish festivals. This psalm, specifically, is a prayer for mercy, expressing deep dependence on God. The text is a plea for God's mercy...


If the Lord Had Not Been on Our Side (Psalm 124)

Psalm 124 is a song of ascents, traditionally attributed to King David, that expresses profound gratitude and recognition of divine intervention and protection in the face of adversity. The psalm begins by inviting the Israelites to consider the hypothetical situation of the Lord not being on...


Those Who Trust in the Lord (Psalm 125)

Psalm 125 is a song of ascents, expressing trust in God's protection and justice. It uses vivid imagery and key Hebrew terms to convey its message of faith and divine justice.  The Psalm begins by comparing those who trust in the Lord to Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but stands forever. This...


When the Lord Restored the Fortunes of Zion, We Were Like Those Who Dreamed (Psalm 126)

Psalm 126 is a powerful passage that belongs to the collection of Psalms known as the "Songs of Ascents," traditionally sung by pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem for religious festivals. This specific psalm reflects a communal memory of past deliverance and a prayer for future restoration,...


Unless the Lord builds the house (Psalm 127)

Psalm 127:1-5, attributed to Solomon, emphasizes the importance of divine providence and blessing in all human endeavors. The stress of the passege is clearly that without the Lord's involvement and blessing, human efforts are ultimately futile. The psalm begins in verse 1 with the assertion...


Blessed are All Who Fear the Lord (Psalm 128)

Psalm 128 is a song of ascents, part of a collection of psalms sung by Jewish pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. It is a concise poem, rich in blessings and promises for those who fear Yahweh and walk in his ways. The theological message of the psalm emphasizes the importance of piety and the fear...
