Aramaic: Frequency Vocabulary (4-3 Occurrences)

101 Custom

The exercise contains words that occur between 4 to 3 times in the Old Testament. Mastering this vocabulary will increase your ability for a more fluent reading of the Old Testament in the Aramaic language.


Word Meaning
פַּרְשֶׁ֫גֶן copia
תַּמָּה allí
מְחָא golpear
חֲלַף pasar, pasar por alto
אֲנַ֫חְנָא nosotros
מַשְׁרוֹקִי flauta (instrumento musical)
צְלַח hacer prosperar; progresar
תְּרֵין dos (masculino)
מְדוֹר morada
חַבְרָה compañera