Greek: Frequency Vocabulary (19-12 Occurrences)

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The exercise contains words that occur between 19 to 12 times in the New Testament. Mastering this vocabulary will increase your ability for a more fluent reading of the New Testament in the Greek language.


Word Meaning
πῶς ¿cómo?; de qué manera?
ἐκχέω verter, derramar
στέφανος, ου, ὁ corona, guirnalda
κληρονομέω heredar
ἐπάνω encima, sobre
μαρτύριον, ου, τό testimonio; martirio
γεωργός, οῦ, ὁ agricultor
δῶρον, ου, τό regalo, presente
παλαιός, ά, όν viejo, antiguo
κτίσις, εως, ἡ creación