Aramaic: Frequency Vocabulary (4-3 Occurrences)

101 Custom

The exercise contains words that occur between 4 to 3 times in the Old Testament. Mastering this vocabulary will increase your ability for a more fluent reading of the Old Testament in the Aramaic language.


Word Meaning
פַּרְשֶׁ֫גֶן copie
תַּמָּה là-bas
מְחָא frapper
חֲלַף passer, passer outre
אֲנַ֫חְנָא nous
מַשְׁרוֹקִי pipeau (instrument de musique)
צְלַח faire prospérer; faire des progrès
תְּרֵין deux (masculin)
מְדוֹר demeure
חַבְרָה compagne