Word Meaning Occurrences
καταφιλέω kiss 6
καταφρονέω despise 9
καταφρονητής, οῦ, ὁ despiser, scoffer 1
καταφωνέω call out loudly, exclaim 0
καταχέω pour out/down 2
καταχθόνιος, ον subterranean 1
καταχράομαι use 2
καταψηφίζομαι be counted against 0
καταψύχω cool off, refresh 1
κατείδωλος, ον full of idols 1
κατέναντι in the sight of 8
κατενώπιον before, right opposite (with G) 3
κατεξουσιάζω exercise authority 2
κατεργάζομαι achieve; bring about 22
κατέρχομαι come down 16
κατεσθίω eat up, consume, swallow; devour 14
κατευθύνω lead, direct 3
κατευλογέω bless 1
κατεφίσταμαι rise up 1
κατέχω hold fast; possess 17
κατηγορέω accuse 23
κατηγορία, ας, ἡ accusation 3
κατήγορος, ου, ὁ accuser 5
κατήγωρ, ορος, ὁ accuser 1
κατήφεια, ας, ἡ gloominess, dejection 1
κατηχέω teach; 8
κατιόομαι rust, become rusty 1
κατισχύω prevail, be dominant 3
κατοικέω to dwell 44
κατοίκησις, εως, ἡ dwelling 1
κατοικητήριον, ου, ὁ dwelling(-place) 2
κατοικία, ας, ἡ dwelling, habitation 1
κατοικίζω settle; cause to dwell 1
κατοπτρίζω to see as in a mirror 1
κατόρθωμα, ατος, τό success, prosperity, good order 1
κάτω below; down 9
κατώτερος, α, ον lower 1
κατωτέρω lower, below 1
Καῦδα, ἡ Cauda 1
καῦμα, τος, τό burning, heat 2