Word Meaning Occurrences
achsaph Achsaph 2
achzib Achzib 1
achziba Achziba 1
acide bitterly, disagreeably 1
acies sharp edge, line of battle 30
acinus berry, grape 2
acquiesco to be satisfied with, assent to 52
acquiro to get, obtain 22
acquisitio acquisition, gain 15
acrabathane Acrabathane 1
acriter sharply, fiercely 2
acron Acron 1
actio doing, performing 32
actor agent, doer 2
actus action, activity 17
aculeatus with a sting, stinging 1
aculeus sting, point 2
acuo to sharpen, whet 5
acus needle, pin 7
acutus sharp, keen 31