Word Meaning Occurrences
ἐνειλέω wrap (up) in 1
ἔνειμι to be in/possible 1
ἕνεκα because of (with G) 25
ἕνεκεν on account of, because
ἐνενήκοντα ninety 4
ἐνεός, ά, όν speechless 1
ἐνέργεια, ας, ἡ operation 8
ἐνεργέω to work 21
ἐνέργημα, τος, τό experience; activity 2
ἐνεργής, ές effective, active 3
ἐνευλογέω bless, act kindly 2
ἐνέχω have grudge against, be hostile toward; be subjected 3
ἐνθάδε here 8
ἔνθεν from there 2
ἐνθυμέομαι reflect (on) 2
ἐνθύμησις, εως, ἡ thought, idea 4
ἔνι there is 6
ἐνιαυτός, οῦ, ὁ year 14
ἐνίστημι be here, present, current; impending 7
ἐνισχύω strengthen 2
ἐννέα nine 5
ἐννεακαιδεκάκις nineteen times 0
ἐννεακαιδέκατος nineteen 0
ἐννεύω nod, make signs 1
ἔννοια, ας, ἡ thought, knowledge 2
ἔννομος, ον legal, lawful 2
ἐννόμως lawfully 0
ἔννυχα at night 1
ἐνοικέω to dwell 5
ἐνορκίζω adjure 1
ἑνότης, ητος, ἡ unity 2
ἐνοχλέω trouble, annoy 2
ἔνοχος, ον liable 10
ἔνσαρκος, ον of flesh
ἔνταλμα, τος, τό commandment 3
ἐνταφιάζω bury; prepare burial 2
ἐνταφιασμός, οῦ, ὁ burial preparation; burial 2
ἐντέλλομαι command 15
ἐντεῦθεν from here 10
ἔντευξις, εως, ἡ petition; prayer 2