Word Meaning Occurrences
septimus seventh 149
septimusdecimus seventeenth 3
septingenti seven hundred 38
septuagesimus seventieth 7
septuagies seventy times 3
septuaginta seventy 101
septum enclosure, precinct 3
septuplum sevenfold 6
septuplus sevenfold 5
sepulchrum tomb, grave 107
sepultura burial 20
sequens following, next 49
sequester mediator 1
sequestro to remove 1
sequor to follow 374
ser Ser 1
sera bar, bolt 19
seraphim seraphim 2
serebia Serebia 4
serenus clear, fair 4
sereser Sereser 3
sereth Sereth 1
sergius Sergius 2
sericum silk 4
sermo speech, saying 766
sermocinatio conversation, disputation 1
sermocinor to talk, converse 2
sero to sow, plant; late, at a late hour 23
seron Seron 2
seror Seror 1
serotinus late, late in coming 16
serpens snake, serpent 62
serpo to creep, crawl 3
serra saw 2
serro to saw, to saw up 3
sertum garland, wreath 1
serug Serug 1
serva female slave 2
servator preserver, deliverer 1
servilis servile, slavish 14
servio to be a servant, serve 334
servitium condition of a slave, servitude 3
servitus service, servitude 67
servo to keep, preserve 175
servus slave, servant 997
sesac Sesac 9
sesach Sesach 2
sesai Sesai 2
sesan Sesan 3
sessio sitting, seat 4
sessor rider, horseman 1
seth Seth 12
sethar Sethar 1
sethri Sethri 1
setim acacia, setim 30
setrai Setrai 1
settim Settim 1
severitas sternness, severity 4
sex six 145
sexagenarius of sixty, sixty years old 3
sexagesimus sixtieth 11
sexaginta sixty 78
sexcentesimus six hundredth 2
sexcenti six hundred; six hundred 73
sexies six times 1
sextarius sixth part of a measure, pint 6
sextus sixth 63
sextusdecimus sixteenth 2
sexus sex 17
si if 2571
siaa Siaa 2
siaha Siaha 1
siba Siba 16
siban Siban 1
sibboleth Sibboleth 1
sibilatio hissing 1
sibilo to hiss, whistle 13
sibilus hissing, whistling 10
sic so, thus 722
sica dagger 1