Word Meaning Occurrences
sardonychus of sardonyx 1
sardonyx sardonyx 2
sarea Sarea 1
sareas Sareas 1
sarebia Sarebia 1
sarebias Sarebias 1
sared Sared 3
sareda Sareda 1
saredatha Saredatha 1
saredites Saredite 1
sarephta Sarephta 2
sarepta Sarepta 3
sares Sares 1
sargon Sargon 1
saria Saria 2
sarid Sarid 1
sarion Sarion 1
sarmentum twigs, brushwood 2
sarohen Sarohen 1
saron Saron 5
sarona Sarona 2
saronites Saronite 1
sarrio to hoe, rake 2
sarsachim Sarsachim 1
sartago frying pan 8
sarthan Sarthan 2
sarthana Sarthana 1
sartus mended, repaired 7
sarug Sarug 6
sarva Sarva 1
sarvia Sarvia 26
sassabasar Sassabasar 4
sata standing corn, crops 9
satago to be busy, bustle about 7
satan , adversary 16
satanas adversary, Satan 72
satelles attendant, companion 5
satietas sufficiency, abundance 2
satio to fill, satisfy; sowing, planting 35
satis enough 22
satisfacio to give satisfaction, satisfy 6
satisfactio excuse, apology 5
sator sower, planter 1
satrapa satrap, provincial governor 24
satum Hebrew dry measure 6
saturitas fullness, plenty 15
saturo to fill, satisfy 82
saucius wounded, hurt 1
saul Saul 401
saulites Saulites 1
saulus Saul 48
saura Saura 1
save save 2
saxeus rocky, stony 1
saxosus rocky, full of rocks 1
saxum rock, stone 18
scabellum footstool 24
scabies scab, mange 4
scala flight of stairs, ladder 3
scalpellum small knife, scalpel 1
scandalizo to cause to stumble, scandalize 65
scandalum stumbling-block 50
scando to rise, climb 1
scapha light boat, skiff 8
scapula shoulder 7
scateo to gush, bubble 2
scaturio to stream, gush out 1
scelerate impiously, wickedly 1
sceleratus wicked, impious 7
sceleste wickedly, viciously 1
scelestus wicked, criminal 10
scelus crime, sin 80
scenofactorius belonging to tent-making 2
scenopegia Feast of Tabernacles 5
sceptrum scepter 22
sceva Sceva 2
schinus mastic tree 1
schisma split, separation 6
schola leisure for learning, school 2
scibboleth Scibboleth 1