Word Meaning Occurrences
quadringenti four hundred 63
quadro to square, fit 1
quadrum square 8
quadrupes four-footed 9
quadruplus fourfold 3
quadrus square 5
quaero to seek, inquire 563
quaeso to beg, pray 29
quaestio questioning, inquiry 31
quaestus gain, profit 13
qualis of what kind, such as 89
qualitas quality, property 3
qualiter how, in what manner 16
quam how, how much 462
quamdiu how long, as long as 28
quamquam although 8
quamvis although 4
quando when, ever 337
quandocumque whenever 2
quanto by how much 63
quantocius as quickly as possible 1
quantum how much, as much as 23
quantumcumque however much 1
quantus how great, how much 90
quantuscumque however great, however much 3
quapropter why 18
quare on what account, why 261
quarto for the fourth time 1
quartus fourth, quartus 110
quartusdecimus fourteenth 28
quasi as if 1072
quassatio shaking 1
quasso to shake violently, batter 3
quater four times 2
quaternio quaternion, body of four soldiers 2
quatio to shake, agitate 1
quatriduanus for the space of four days 2
quatuor four 302
quatuordecim fourteen 29
que and 4696
quemadmodum how, as 90
queo to be able 13
quercus oak 22
querela complaint, blame 24
querimonia complaining, lamentation 3
queror to express grief, complain 4
querulosus full of complaints, querulous 2
qui who, which 19123
quia because, that 3348
quicumque whoever, whatever 430
quidam a certain, a certain one 537
quidem indeed 444
quies rest, repose 10
quiesco to rest, to cease 77
quietus at rest, quiet 18
quilibet any 18
quin that…not, but…that 19
quinam who then? what then? 5
quindecim fifteen 24
quingenteni five hundred each 1
quingenti five hundred 63
quinimmo but truly, indeed 4
quinquagenarius of fifty, commanding fifty men 8
quinquageni fifty each, by fifties 11
quinquagesimus fiftieth 18
quinquaginta fifty 149
quinque five 350
quinquennalis occurring every fifth year 1
quinquennis of five years, five years old 1
quinquies five times 3
quintus fifth, quintus 78
quintusdecimus fifteenth 21
quippe indeed, to be sure 80
quis who, which; anyone, anything 1859
quisnam who, which 28
quispiam anyone, anything 55
quisquam anyone, anything 231
quisque whoever, whatever 372
quisquiliae waste, refuse 1
quisquis whoever, whatever 120