Word Meaning Occurrences
pudor shame, decency 3
pudoratus shamefaced, modest 1
puella girl 98
puellaris of a girl, girlish 2
puer boy, servant 372
puerilis boyish, childish 1
pueritia boyhood, childhood 2
puerperus bringing forth children 1
puerulus little boy 1
pugillaris writing tablet 2
pugillus handful 9
pugio dagger 4
pugna fighting, battle 48
pugnator fighter, combatant 32
pugno to fight 193
pugnus fist 3
pulcher beautiful, fair 78
pulchritudo beauty 34
pulex flea 2
pullulo to put forth, sprout 7
pullus young animal, offspring 59
pulmentarium anything eaten with bread, relish 2
pulmentum sauce, condiment 13
pulmo lung 1
puls meal, porridge 1
pulso to strike, beat 23
pulvillus small pillow, cushion 2
pulvis dust, powder 102
punctum point, instant 4
pungo to prick, puncture 5
punicus Punic, Carthaginian 10
punio to punish 19
punitio punishment 1
pupilla female orphan, pupil of the eye 6
pupillus orphan 45
puppis stern 6
purgamentum sweepings, offscourings 2
purgatio cleansing 8
purgo to cleanse, purify 26
purificatio purifying, purification 19
purifico to purify 26
puritas cleanness, purity 2
purpura purple 59
purpuraria a female purple-dyer 2
purpureus purple-colored, purple 10
purus clean, pure 57
pusillanimis faint-hearted, timid 4
pusillanimitas faintheartedness, timidity 1
pusillum a little 11
pusillus small, little 41
pustula pimple, pustule 1
putamen trimming, cutting 1
putatio pruning 1
puteoli Puteoli 2
puteus well, pit 58
putiphar Putiphar 5
puto to think, suppose 138
putredo rottenness 12
putrefacio to rot 3
putresco to rot, decay 5
putridus rotten, decayed 4
pygargus a kind of eagle, a kind of antelope 1
pyra funeral pyre, fire 3
pyramis pyramid 1
pyrrhus Pyrrhus 2
pyrus pear tree 4
pytho familiar spirit, soothsayer 11
pythonicus oracular, soothsaying 1
pythonissa possessed woman, sorceress 1
quadragenarius of forty, forty years old 2
quadrageni forty each, by forties 2
quadragesimus fortieth 15
quadraginta forty 186
quadrangulatus quadrangular, having four sides 3
quadrangulum square, quadrangle 4
quadrans smallest coin, one quarter of an as 4
quadratus squared, square 3
quadrifariam in four parts 1
quadriga chariot of four horses 39
quadringentesimus four hundredth 1