Word Meaning Occurrences
propterea therefore 198
propugnaculum bulwark, tower 4
propugnator defender, champion 3
propurgo to purify beforehand 1
prora prow, bow 4
prorsus entirely, utterly 1
prorumpo to break forth, break out 2
proscindo to break up, plow 1
proselytus foreigner, stranger 9
prosequor to follow, accompany 7
prosilio to leap forward, leap down 1
prospector one who looks out, provider 2
prospectus view, sight 2
prosper prosperous, favorable 19
prospere prosperously, favorably 15
prosperitas good fortune, prosperity 7
prospero to make happy, prosper 23
prospicio to look out, to provide for 23
prosterno to throw down, overthrow 42
prostibulum prostitute, brothel 5
prostituo to set forth in public, to prostitute 1
prostituta harlot, prostitute 1
prostitutio prostitution 5
prosum to be useful, benefit 69
protectio protection 9
protector protector, body-guard 25
protego to cover, protect 46
protelo to prolong 1
protendo to stretch forth, stretch 4
protervus pressing forward, violent 4
protestatio declaration 1
protestor to declare in public, testify 5
protinus immediately, directly 17
protraho to draw forth, drag out 9
prout as, just as 30
provectus advanced 5
proveho to advance, promote 1
provenio to come forth, appear 3
proventus crop, yield 2
proverbium saying, proverb 36
providentia foresight, forethought 11
provideo to foresee, to give attention to 30
provincia province 69
provisor provider 1
provocatio calling out, challenge 2
provocatrix she that provokes 1
provoco to provoke, stir up 73
provolvo to fall prostrate 3
proximo to approach, come near 6
proximus nearest, next 217
prudens wise, prudent 77
prudenter wisely, prudently 8
prudentia wisdom, prudence 73
pruina hoarfrost, rime 5
pruna burning coal, live coal 15
prurigo itch, lasciviousness 1
prurio to itch, to be wanton 2
psallo to play on a stringed instrument 53
psalmus psalm 106
psalterium psaltery, stringed instrument 26
psaltes harpist, minstrel 4
pseudoapostolus false apostle 2
pseudochristus false Christ 4
pseudopropheta false prophet 21
ptisana hulled barley, barley groats 2
ptolemaeus Ptolemy 29
ptolemaida Ptolemaida 15
ptolemais Ptolemais 3
ptolemensis Ptolemensis 2
pubertas age of maturity, puberty 7
publicanus tax-collector, publican 44
publice openly, publicly 9
publico to make public, confiscate 2
publicus public 11
publius Publius 4
pudendus shameful, causing shame 1
pudens Pudens 2
pudeo to make ashamed, to be ashamed 1
pudicitia modesty, chastity 1
pudicus chaste, pure 12