Word Meaning Occurrences
procurro to run forth, rush forward 3
prodeo to come forth, proceed 8
prodigium portent, prodigy 39
proditio treachery, betrayal 1
proditor betrayer, traitor 10
prodo to bring forth, to reveal 7
produco to lead forth, produce 52
productilis ductile, of beaten metalwork 2
profano to profane, desecrate 8
profanus not sacred, profane 14
profectio setting out, departure 7
profecto indeed, doubtless 8
profectus advance, progress 10
profero to bring forth 73
professio public acknowledgment, avowal 2
proficio to advance, to avail 35
proficiscor to set out, depart 189
profiteor to declare publicly, own freely 6
profluvium flowing, issue 3
profugio to flee, run away 5
profugus fleeing, fugitive 17
profunde deeply 1
profunditas depth, profundity 1
profundus deep, depth 56
progenies lineage, generation 27
progenitor forefather, ancestor 2
progredior to go forward, advance 9
progressus going forward, advance 1
prohibeo to forbid, prevent 96
prohibitio forbidding, prohibition 2
projicio to cast forth, throw down 186
prolabor to slip, tumble 2
proles offspring 2
prolixe abundantly 3
prolixus long, drawn out 7
prolongo to lengthen, prolong 6
proloquor to speak out, utter 2
promereo to deserve, to gain 2
promineo to jut out, project 7
promiscuus mixed, indiscriminate 3
promissio promise 64
promissum promise 16
promitto to promise, to profess 63
promoveo to move forward, to promote 5
promptuarium storeroom, repository 1
promptus prepared, ready; readiness 18
promulgo to make known, promulgate 1
pronubus groomsman 1
pronuntio to announce, proclaim 13
pronus inclined, prone 38
propago branch, shoot 9
propalo to throw open, make manifest 2
prope near 75
propello to drive forward, drive forth 3
propere quickly, in haste 1
propero to hasten, be quick 25
propheta prophet 644
prophetes prophet 8
prophetia prophecy 40
propheticus prophetic 2
prophetis prophetess 5
prophetissa prophetess 4
prophetizo to prophesy 6
propheto to prophesy, foretell 149
propino to drink to one's health, to give to drink 4
propinquitas nearness, proximity 4
propinquo to draw near, approach 5
propinquus near, neighboring 31
propior nearer 3
propitiatio appeasing, propitiation 19
propitiatorium means of reconciliation, place of atonement 18
propitio to appease, propitiate 17
propitius favorable, gracious 34
propono to put forward, propose 64
propositio setting forth, proposition 33
propositum purpose, intention 22
proprie properly, one's own 2
proprietas property, particular quality 1
proprius one's own 61
propter on account of 911