Word Meaning Occurrences
praetexo to edge, border 1
praetoriolum small residence 1
praetorium governor's residence, palace 16
praevaleo to be superior, prevail 47
praevalidus very strong, very powerful 1
praevaricatio transgression 37
praevaricator prevaricator, transgressor 16
praevaricatrix female sinner 4
praevaricor to walk crookedly, to transgress 52
praevenio to come before, anticipate 28
praevideo to see first, see beforehand 2
prandeo to eat the morning or midday meal 8
prandium late breakfast, lunch 13
pratum meadow 3
pravitas crookedness, perversity 11
pravus crooked, perverse 35
precor to ask, beg 13
premo to press 13
prendo to grasp, take 4
presbyter elder, presbyter 30
presbyterium presbytery, assembly of elders 2
pressura affliction, distress 13
pretiosus precious, costly 98
pretium price, value 88
prex prayer, request 53
priapus Priapus 2
pridie on the day before 1
primarius first in rank, principal 1
primas principal, chief 2
primatus first place, primacy 6
primitiae first-fruits 88
primitivus first of its kind, first-born 23
primo first, in the first place 12
primogenitus first-born, of the first-born 146
primoris first, foremost 2
primum first, at first 105
primus first 386
princeps chief, head 993
principalis first, original 4
principatus preeminence, sovereignty 35
principium beginning, principle 77
principor to hold superiority, rule 2
prinus holm oak 1
prior former, previous 133
prisca Prisca 4
priscilla Priscilla 8
pristinus former, ancient 24
prius before, first 110
priusquam before, until 51
privatim apart from state affairs, privately 1
privilegium privilege, law concerning an individual 1
privo to bereave, deprive 12
pro for, on behalf of 1362
probabilis credible, approved 3
probaticus pertaining to sheep 2
probatio trial, approval 13
probator one who tests, approves 2
probatus tested, approved 10
problema problem, riddle 5
probo to test, approve 141
probus good, upright 2
procaciter boldly, impudently 1
procax bold, insolent 4
procedo to go forth, proceed 135
procella gale, storm 18
procer chief, foremost 2
proceritas high growth, height 1
procerus high, tall 3
processio marching on, advance 1
processus advance, course 1
prochorus Prochorus 2
procido to fall down, fall prostrate 44
proclamo to call out, clamor 2
proclivis sloping, steep 1
proconsul proconsul, governor of a province 10
procreo to bring forth, beget 7
procul far, at a distance 58
procumbo to fall forwards, sink down 6
procurator steward, overseer 9
procuro to take care of, attend to 2