Word Meaning Occurrences
popularis of the people, popular 1
populeus of poplars 1
populus a people, nation; poplar tree 2234
porcinus of a hog 2
porcus swine, pig 24
porphyrio porphyrion, purple swamphen 2
porrigo to reach, extend 20
porro then, further 284
porrus leek, scallion 1
porta gate, entrance 431
portarius door-keeper, porter 2
portendo to point out, reveal 1
portentum portent, prodigy 24
porticus porch, portico 28
portio share, part 11
portius Portius 2
porto to carry, bear 288
portus harbor, port 10
posco to ask urgently, beg 8
posidonius Posidonius 1
possessio holding, possession 198
possessiuncula small possession, small estate 1
possessor owner 10
possibilis possible 15
possibilitas ability, possibility 1
possideo to own, possess 283
possum to be able 1154
post after, behind 739
postea afterwards 82
posteaquam after 5
posteritas future time, succeeding generations 3
posterus following, next 45
posthac afterwards, hereafter 2
posticum back door 3
postis door-post, door 16
postquam after, as soon as 203
postremo at last, finally 1
postulatio requiring, demand 3
postulo to ask, request 88
potatio drinking, drinking bout 3
potator drinker, bibber 3
potens able, powerful 160
potentatus might, power 3
potenter strongly, mightily 1
potentia might, power 61
potestas power, ability 322
potio drink, potion 2
potior to take possession of, obtain 1
potis able, capable 3
potius rather, preferably 34
poto to drink, to give to drink 24
potus drink 55
prae in front of, before 109
praebeo to offer, present 70
praebitio giving, furnishing 1
praecaveo to take care, take heed 2
praecedo to go before, precede 87
praecellens superior, excellent 3
praecello to surpass, excel 3
praeceps headlong, headstrong 13
praeceptor teacher, instructor 17
praeceptum commandment, precept 210
praecessor predecessor, superior in rank 2
praecido to cut off 23
praecingo to gird, to encircle 24
praecino to make music before 4
praecipio to command, instruct 619
praecipitatio falling headlong, ruin 1
praecipitium steep place, precipice 1
praecipito to cast down headlong 26
praecipue chiefly, especially 2
praecipuus particular, special 6
praecisio cutting off, destruction 1
praeclaritas excellence 1
praeclarus very bright, splendid 16
praeco crier, herald 8
praecogito to ponder beforehand 2
praecognosco to foreknow, foresee 2
praecoquus ripening early, rareripe 2
praecordia entrails, heart 5