Word Meaning Occurrences
placitum pleasure, agreement 9
placitus pleasing, acceptable 26
placo to appease, placate 27
placor contentment, approval 2
plaga blow, wound; quarter, region 207
plagiarius kidnapper 2
plago to strike, wound 1
planctus mourning 40
plane evenly, simply 3
plango to lament, bewail 62
planities flat surface, level ground 10
planta plant, sprout 14
plantarium sole of the foot 1
plantatio planting, transplanting 12
planto to plant, sow 87
planus even, level 11
plasmo to form, shape 6
plastes potter, maker 4
platanus plane tree 3
platea a broad way, street 96
plaudo to clap, strike 11
plaustrum wagon 29
plausus clapping, flapping 1
plebs people, common people 118
plecta border 1
plecto to plait, interweave 8
pleias Pleias 1
plene wholly, fully 3
plenitudo fullness 57
plenus full 237
plico to fold, wind 3
ploratus weeping 7
ploro to wail, weep 60
pluma feather 3
plumarius belonging to embroidery 10
plumbeus of lead 1
plumbum lead 10
plumesco to grow feathers 1
pluo to rain 30
plurimum very much, most 3
plus more, many 54
pluvia rain 68
pluvius rainy, rain-bringing 1
poculum cup, bowl 10
poderes ankle-length priestly garment 4
poena punishment, penalty 19
poenitentia repentance, penance 147
poeniteo to cause to repent, to repent 33
poeniteor to repent 4
poenitudo repentance 3
poeta poet 2
polenta hulled and crushed grain, barley meal 7
polio to smooth, furbish 5
pollex thumb, big toe 7
polliceor to promise 42
pollicitatio promising, promise 7
pollinctor undertaker, burier 1
polluo to defile, pollute 119
pollutio defilement, contamination 3
pollutus defiled, polluted 30
polymitarius pertaining to weaving, weaver 5
polymitus woven of many colors 8
pomarium orchard 12
pomifer fruit-bearing 5
pompa solemn procession, parade 1
pompatice pompously, showily 1
pomum fruit 21
pomus fruit tree, fruit 2
ponderatio weighing, valuing 2
ponderator weigher 1
pondero to weigh 6
pondo in weight 7
pondus weight, burden 83
pono to put, place 1069
pons bridge 1
ponticus of Pontus, native of Pontus 2
pontifex high-priest 96
pontius Pontius 8
pontus Pontus 6
poples hollow of the knee, knee 1